Harbours of the North Atlantic (AD 800-1300) (HaNoA)

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Parent Project Details
Parent Project Title:Harbours of the North Atlantic AD 800-1300
Sub Projects: Modelling changes in the coastal geomorphology of Unst, Shetland and the implications for understanding High to Late Medieval harbour changes in the Scandinavian North Atlantic

Project Details

Title:Harbours of the North Atlantic (AD 800-1300) (HaNoA)
Abstract:The core aims of the project are:

to investigate possible port facilities and their functions by studying medieval written sources,

to examine the topography of ports in relation to navigational aids (e.g. landmarks), ballast fields, the seabed and the locations of landing-places and port facilities on land,

to refine and consolidate the so-called fetch method to localise and evaluate ports or landing-places,

to analyse ballast as an archaeological source for the first time, in order to gain an understanding of the origins of trading vessels and the volume of maritime trade,

and to ascertain the most reliable indicators for the elusive ports of the Viking period and the Middle Ages in the North Atlantic.

Sponsors/Funders: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (German Research Council)
Country:Faroe Islands
Project Start Year:2013
Projected End Year:2018

Account Owner

Contact: Natascha Mehler
Institution: Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum
Postal Address: Leibniz-Institut für deutsche Schifffahrtsgeschichte

Hans-Scharoun-Platz 1

27568 Bremerhaven

Website: http://www.dsm.museum/ueber-uns/team/mehler.5801.de.html
Email: Mehler@dsm.museum

Project extent

North East Coordinates: 69.77895°N, 5.82031°E
South West Coordinates: 47.7541°N, 51.32812°W