7 results for projects related to 'burials'

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Project Title: Breišafjöršur Islands
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=108
Country: Iceland
Description: The islands of Breišafjöršur are unique, geographically bounded spaces, but often maintained, organized and owned from the mainland. Living on islands was a balance between surviving and living through farming and fishing. However, the communication ...[More]
Project Title: Houses for the Living and the Dead
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=151
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: Altagracia, Dominican Republic, Greater Antilles, Caribbean
Description: This research combines archaeological and ethnohistorical research to study the organisation of settlement space and residence rules among the Late Ceramic Age (“Taino”) Indians during the Late Ceramic Age (AD 1000-1492). Collaborative...[More]
Keywords: Greater Antilles, Household archaeology, Taķno
Project Title: Hringsdalur
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=99
Country: Iceland
Description: In 2006 human bones were found eroding in Hringsdalur W-Iceland. An excavation was conducted and two pagan burials uncovered....[More]
Project Title: Kįlfsskinn, Eyjafirši
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=97
Country: Iceland
Description: In 2003 a few sites in Kįlfskinn, Eyjafjöršur, had been surveyed and identified as possible pagan burials. In 2005 two of those were tested by opening trenches across each concentrations of stones. ...[More]
Project Title: Lyngbrekka
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=98
Country: Iceland
Description: In 2003-2005 investigations took place in Lyngbrekka, earlier known as Gömlu-Dašastašir in Reykjadalur, S-Žing. The aim was to see if folklore and place names could be used as reliable sources to locate pagan burials. ...[More]
Project Title: Pagan Burial Maps
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=155
Country: Iceland
Region: all over Iceland
Description: Maps of Pagan Burials in Iceland developed through arcgis software and uploaded on Google Earth. In essence, the focus of this project was to create individual maps considerably zoomed in, showing not only the burials but also the landscape features...[More]
Keywords: burials,maps,pagan
Project Title: Pagan burials
Pagan burials
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=70
Country: Iceland
Description: Although many pagan graves have been found in Iceland, organised search for such sites has hitherto not been conducted and most have been found by coincidence. In some cases bones and artefacts have been picked up without the site being investigated...[More]