6 results for projects related to 'distribution'

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Project Title: Explorer's stories : Ectoparasites and Hygienic studies in North West Greenland
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=35
Country: Greenland
Region: Inglefield land
Description: From the end of the 19th century through to the beginning of the 20th century Northwest Greenland was frequently visited by explorers and others attempting to reach the reach the North Pole. Their adventures elicited amazing descriptions of the land ...[More]
Keywords: Ectoparasite,Greenland,Inuit,Inughuit,Explorer,archaeoentomology
Project Title: Snow Modelling Iceland
Snow modelling to understand the impacts of Little Ice Age climate change
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=215
Country: Other
Description: This project aims to use an existing process based snow model to simulate changes in snow cover and distribution for sites in Iceland and in Greenland. Changes in the duration and depth of snow cover through periods of climatic deterioration may have...[More]
Keywords: Comparative Island Ecodynamics, modelling, LIttle Ice Age, snow
Project Title: Snow, landscape and people: Fieldwork in Norway
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=132
Country: Norway
Region: Heidal
Description: Fieldwork from project: Snow, landscape and people: Modelling variations in snow distribution and melt across the landscape and the implications for human activities. Snow surveys were completed in Heidal valley, Oppland, along three discontinuous...[More]
Keywords: snow,melt,vegetation,climate
Project Title: Snow, landscape and people: Fieldwork in Sweden
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=131
Country: Sweden
Region: Abisko
Description: Fieldwork from project: Snow, landscape and people: Modelling variations in snow distribution and melt across the landscape and the implications for human activities. Method: Snow depth and density were measured in the pre-snow melt period from ...[More]
Keywords: snow,distribution,vegetation
Project Title: Snow, landscape and people: Modelling variations in snow distribution and melt across the landscape and the implications for human activities
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=130
Country: Greenland
Region: Arctic
Description: The quantity and distribution of snow across landscapes and timing of the spring snowmelt is key to a diverse range of processes, from the hydrological cycle and glaciation through to ecological and human-environment interactions. Many snow-covered...[More]
Keywords: Snow, modelling, Arctic populations
Project Title: Where should I put this shieling?
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=224
Country: Greenland
Region: Vatnahverfi
Description: The project was part of the dissertation submitted for the completion of the course MSc GIS and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh. The dissertation aimed to explore the theory of Norse pastoral subsistence system using GIS. The basic assumpt...[More]
Keywords: organised pastoral labour, exploit of pastoral resources, modelling communication routes