Mousse of Smoked 
Eel in Aspic

“Mousse of Smoked Eel in Aspic” 

Submitted by: 

Heather Builth,
Department of Archaeology, School of Cultural Studies, Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia 

Adapted from: 

Chef Yves Garnier - La Mer Chef de Cuisine 


For the Mousse: 

  • 8 oz smoked eel 
  • 2/3 cup fish stock (thickened) 
  • 6 tbsp chicken stock (warm) 
  • 2/3 cup unsweetened whipped cream 
  • 7 ea gelatin sheets (1/2 oz total) 
  • Butter 
  • Ground white pepper 
  • Salt to taste 

For the Aspic: 

  • 1 qt consommé 
  • 12 ea gelatin sheets (11/4 oz total) 


Heat the consommé until hot. Place gelatin sheets in cold water until they are soft, and dissolve in consommé. (Note you can perfume the aspic with herbs, port wine, white wine etc.) You may also try the following style of aspic: “One Minute Aspic” 1 qt water 3oz powdered savory jelly 1/3 cup dry white wine Bring water to a boil, add the savory jelly, mix for ten seconds and let cool to room temperature. Add the wine. 

Prepare the aspic of your choice. Coat the molds with aspic and decorations before you prepare the mousse. Skin and bone the eel placing meat in food processor. Run for three minutes until a puree is formed, then pass through a fine sieve. Mix with thickened fish stock. Soften gelatin in cold water, drain well and place in chicken stock. Mix into eel puree. Before mixture becomes firm, whisk in half of the whipped cream. Fold in the other half with a spatula. Quickly place in prepared molds and refrigerate. (Yields 16-18, 2oz molds)