2 results for projects related to 'Paleobotany'

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Project Title: Barbuda Historical Ecology Project
Barbuda Historical Ecology Project
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=133
Country: Antigua and Barbuda
Region: Barbuda
Description: This project is a multi-disciplinary longitudinal research effort focusing on the island of Barbuda from first human settlement through to the present day. The goal of the project is to investigate human/environment interactions on the island of Barb...[More]
Keywords: Caribbean, Longitudinal Research, Community Outreach, Paleoclimatology, Paleobotany, Zooarchaeology
Project Title: Seaview
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=134
Country: Antigua and Barbuda
Region: Barbuda
Description: Excavation of this early Saladoid site has been ongoing since 2008. What began as a salvaging effort to rescue midden deposits being eroded away by the sea has evolved into an open-area excavation of a large settlement. The 2011 excavation, aimed a...[More]
Keywords: Caribbean,Saladoid,Community,Outreach,Paleobotany,Zooarchaeology,Pottery