3 results for projects related to 'resilience'

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Project Title: Barbuda Historical Ecology Project
Barbuda Historical Ecology Project
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=133
Country: Antigua and Barbuda
Region: Barbuda
Description: This project is a multi-disciplinary longitudinal research effort focusing on the island of Barbuda from first human settlement through to the present day. The goal of the project is to investigate human/environment interactions on the island of Barb...[More]
Keywords: Caribbean, Longitudinal Research, Community Outreach, Paleoclimatology, Paleobotany, Zooarchaeology
Project Title: Social-ecological Resilience in the Viking-Age to Early-Medieval Faroe Islands
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=136
Country: Faroe Islands
Region: Sandur, Sandoy
Description: This dissertation aims to evaluate the development and maintenance of social-ecological resilience during the settlement-period (ca. 9th through 11th centuries CE) in the Faroe Islands. In particular, the core objectives include the identification...[More]
Keywords: Faroe Islands, Norse, historical ecology, resilience, zooarchaeology
Project Title: Tephrochronology and landscape change in Skaftartunga
Permalink: https://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=129
Country: Iceland
Region: Skaftartunga
Description: This project used very high resolution sediment accumulation records to analyse the environmental impact of population changes in this region of Iceland since Landnam, and finished in 2011. The main results are in Richard Streeter's PhD thesis and in...[More]
Keywords: tephrochronology,little,ice,age,plague,geomorphology,population