Featured Projects Selected projects from the Index of the North Atlantic Biocultural Organisation http://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/xmlrss.pl NABO NABO http://www.google.no/search? q Lyngbrekka... In 2003-2005 investigations took place in Lyngbrekka, earlier known as Gömlu-Dašastašir in Reykjadalur, S-Žing. The aim was to see if folklore and p... http://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=98 Harbours of the North Atlantic... The core aims of the project are: to investigate possible port facilities and their functions by studying medieval written sources, to examine the... http://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=172 harbours,Viking,Medieval,trade Glerį... The Glerį project started when human bones were accidentally uncovered in a gravel mine close to the farm mound in Glerį in 1998. Later members of th... http://www.nabohome.org/cgi-bin/explore.pl?seq=44